Thursday, December 18, 2008

Pain must manifest (or change manifests as pain)

(written under depression = trapped pain)

We experience the force of change as pain. This is relentless as the expansion of the universe. Change must manifest either as creativity or destruction.

There is almost enough love in the world to neutralise all the pain, but not quite enough. This difference sustains life itself and drives evolution.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Expanding universe

Universe expands. Everything is a manifestation of this change. Fear is antipation of this change. Love is being this change (?)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


v tired random doodlings. been on wiki, flow happiness, 2nd law, negentropy etc.

flow - import negentroy?
fear - ?
love - ?

Tired and pondering

What is our purpose? What is the way? If there are 3 states - flow, fear, and love - is our purpose love or flow? Flow sounds right, but also acknowledges the natural role of fear and pain, which is something that religion and spirituality seem to reject.

Monday, October 6, 2008

thoughts on flow/fear/love

flow is a state where we discharge stimulus at the same rate at which we receive it. In a stable environment we naturally settle to this state over time. In a rapidly changing environment we are more likely to persist in one of the following states...

fear is a state where we discharge stimulus at a lower rate than which we receive it. The mind is 'holding on' in order to process the information and discharge a response at a later time.

love is a state where we discharge stimilus at a faster rate than which we receive it. The mind is 'letting go'. This is the state which we naturally aim for, but cannot achieve continuously in life. Examples of this include prayer, meditation, falling in love, orgasm.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Art conversation on creativity & fear

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Expanding universe

Whilst the universe is expanding, the creative force ('fear') will be stronger, but the essense of the universe remains as one, ie love.

(see also

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Computers and attachment

Computers are stupid, they are getting 'smarter' but for some time they will remain 'dependent' on us. Eventually they will 'grow up' and their dependence will diminish, but meanwhile we may experience some phases similar or with parallels to that of growing up child. On of the strongest parallels may be that we could experience difficulty letting go.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Light addition, attachment, 'God' notion

this si just ideas comign to mind. we need security/love lets call it light. pure love is 100% light. no love is total darkness. we attach to god we get as much light as we need. this can be passed on, but is no longer pure, it is diluted. ultimately all our attachments, except to a notion of god or oneness, are diluted by this separation. we accumulate attachments to achieve a level of security we need, the sum of the diluted light sources gives us a feeling of enough light. but the diluted sources are transitory by nature, so we suffer in the flickering light of our transitory experiences.

Monday, August 25, 2008


Did you ever see a nature program describe a behaviour of a large proportion of beings as disfunctional? Do we deny that much of our 'disfunctional' behaviour does in fact have a function in the larger context of our species. Does not violence control population? Where there is plenty, there is security. Where there is security, there is peace.

So for us to have 'peace' we need all to have plenty, not just the elite. This maybe possible.

But even so ultimately competition for survival at some level will continue and 'suffering' would resume.

Attachment theory

Ok, here is what i understand from attachment theory. It seems pretty straightforward and seems to explain things quite clearly. Also it is taken from a biological perspective, which is one i have respect for recently.

We all need to feel secure. So we attach ourselves to people or objects that give us a sense of security. The security is required in order to maximise our chances of survival, or to put it another way round, we define security as that which increases our chances of survival. "We" and "our" can refer to any level of replication eg individual person, family, society, species, planet, etc.

The thing is though, that real 'love' seems to be contrary to the acquisition of this form of security. Fear, the opposite of love, is the force which drives us to evolve. Attachment is possessive love, and is driven by fear.

We still have a need for a sense of security, even if the security does not represent a better chance of survival for us as individuals. Religion and the notion of god or oneness allows us to give ourselves up to a higher level and therefore gain a sense of security at a higher level. This improves the survival chances for 'us' at a higher level, be it community, society, etc.

Quotes from "A secure base" by John Bowlby

p50 Re narcissism: "The picture such a person presents is one of assertive independence and emotional self-sufficiency. On no account is he going to be beholden to anyone and, in so far as he enters into relationships at all, he makes sure he retains control. For much of the time he may appear to manage wonderfully well, but there maybe times when he becomes depressed or develops psychosomaic symptoms, often for no reason he knows of. Only should symptoms or a bout of depression become severe is there any possibility of his seeking treatment, and then more likely than not he will prefer drugs to analysts."

p31 separation anxiety: "One fairly common example is when a child has such a close relationship with his mother that he has diffcultly in developing a social life outside the family, a relationship sometimes described as symbiotic. In a majority of such cases the cause of the trouble can be traced to the mother who, having grown up anxiously attached as a result of a difficult childhood, is now seeking to make her own child her attachment figure. So far from the child being over-indulged, as is sometimes asserted, he is being burdened with having to care for his own mother."

p30 separation anxiety: "Thus, just as animals of many species, including man, are disposed to respond with fear to sudden movement or a marked change in level of sound or light because to do so has a survival value, so are many species, including man, disposed to respond to separation from a potentially caregiving figure and for the same reasons."

Possessive love

Possessive love comes from attachment. We know when its possessive because there is no effort involved.



Love + 2 - apple x horse =

Something else

But its god love in it. (typo! i meant: its got love in it!)

So it'll do.



Sunday, August 24, 2008


check randomly across disciplines (biology, art, religion etc) its all the same from a different perspective maybe the more views the closer to truth we are (though only god is complete truth)

Letting go

you can only let go with the security of love. without enough, then we must hold in our feelings. but god exists to provide us with infinite love so that we need not rely on the finite supply from others. some people seem to have infinite love, they have successfully become a conduit for gods love.

Saturday, August 23, 2008






planet/solar system/galaxy/universe


bla bla

There is a balance. There are cycles.

Generation creates, generation destroys..

Love & money

Emotional debt

bla bla


This is still fuzzy stuff, but i remember it seemed much clearer the first time it occurred to a few months ago. Actually now i'm a bit bored of it.

Love is acceptance of what is, ie no need to change. Fear is the driving force for change. What we experience as 'good' or 'bad' are simply manifestations of, respectively, a slow rate of change or a fast rate of change. No change is a special case we perhaps only rarely experience eg with orgasm, through meditation, certain mind-altering drugs.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Brain: delay response system

I'm not sure how this ties up, but i feel this point is or will become important.

The brain is simply a delay response system. Simpler life forms respond directly to stimuli, eg a plant grows towards the light. More complex life forms will first record stimili, process (with a brain or similar), and then (optionally) respond.

(babble: i see dimensions. i see patterns. i see convergence.)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Good of a person, Good of a thing

These 2 are opposites. A "good" thing comes into existance through need, and need only exists through fear. Whereas a "good" person is someone of love, full of acceptance rather than need, and willing to give up the "good" things which he/she may have.


Fear creates and destroys beauty, but love sustains it. Therefore beauty does not fall under only one of the headings of Love or Fear from the first post.

Is there a connection here with the idea of "Quality" in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle maintenance? In this book the concept of Quality exactly divides the concepts of Art and Science from each other.

Universe expansion

Everything must surely balance in line with whatever rules are governing the expansion of the universe.

Where we put energy into making something "good", the corresponding "bad" is felt in that we must eventually lose that which we made "good". There is no permanence in our experience, only perhaps in the rules which define it, be they from God or whatever we want to believe.

Question: how does the coming again of Jesus correlate with this? What might this represent in a rational sense?

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Love Fear
Feel Think
Present Future
Be Know
Art Science
Unity Separation
One None
Light Dark
Acceptance Creativity